How to Honor Others When It's Hard

October 25, 2023

Honor is often confused with respect, but there is a difference and knowing that difference is important. To honor someone, by Biblical definitions, is to value them based on their worth. 

In a recent sermon on the 5th Commandment in Exodus 20:12, I discussed the Principle of Honor. I shared some of my insights and some additional scriptures on the importance of honoring others. I believe the Bible is abundantly clear that we are to honor others, regardless of their behavior. Honor is not about agreeing with someone or condoning their actions. Instead, it is more about recognizing their inherent worth as a human being. It’s about recognizing that we are all created in the image of God. When we honor others, we honor God, because we are honoring those who reflect His image. We are honoring those that God loved so much, that He sent Jesus to be a sacrifice for.

And even though we may understand this principle, it can still be difficult to obey it, especially when people have hurt us. So, if you find it difficult to honor others, here are a few practical tips to help you obey God’s instruction to honor.

Honoring others is not always easy, but it is always important. When we honor others, we are honoring God and we are honoring God’s word.

Additional Resources:

Watch: Click here to check out an excerpt from this sermon.

Listen: To listen to the full sermon, titled "The Principle of Honor", seach for Full Faith Church Sermons in your favorite podcast app, or you can click here.