Follow Jesus and Forgive

November 1, 2023

"Have you ever experienced a moment where your anger got the best of you?" That's how I started last weeks sermon on The Principle of Love based on the 6th Commandment in Exodus 20:13. I posed the question that way, because in Matthew 5:21-22, Jesus said it has more to deal with our anger. And just as our anger can lead to hate, forgiveness can lead to love. 

It's easy to love
when you are quick to forgive.

For many of us forgiveness does not come quickly nor easily. However, if we look at the life of Jesus and the lessons it teaches us, we can pick up a few tips to help us forgive more quickly.

Is there anyone you need to forgive? If so, I pray that God gives you the strength needed to forgive them today.

Additional Resources:

Watch: Click here to check out an excerpt from this sermon.

Listen: To listen to the full sermon, titled "The Principle of Love", seach for Full Faith Church Sermons in your favorite podcast app, or you can click here.